Justifying Faith

Justifying Faith is a brief essay from a collection titled The Religion of Disbelief, written by Elmore Kelvin Glib (1989-    ). The Religion of Disbelief is a scathing review of atheism–not for the ideology but rather for the hypocrisy. Within the collection, Glib castigates modern atheists for their attempt to “spread atheism” as though it were a religion. He calls this “evangelical atheism.” Glib describes himself as a novice philosopher; thus, his collection was never intended for publication. The excerpt here is shared with his reluctant permission.

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Untitled Sonnet II

Untitled Sonnet II was first published in a collection of poems not surprisingly called Untitled Sonnets, all written by Spencer Holcomb to highlight familiar sonnet forms[1] using familiar sonnet themes. It’s republished here with the permission of Vandermoore University Press.

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How We Searched for What Wasn’t Lost

Homo sapiens aenigmatis

Homo sapiens aenigmatis

In my day, there was an awful lot of talk about finding yourself. There were gurus, self-help authors, life coaches. The overall consensus from these types was that you should avoid intimacy with the outside world until your “self” was found. Without having found yourself, there was a good chance you could be a danger to others or, at the very least, a nuisance.

So, what was finding yourself exactly?

Well, as far as I could gather, the first part of finding yourself was understanding yourself. Once you understood yourself, you had to learn to accept yourself. This, it was said, would finally lead to loving yourself.

That was the general process. I mean, I’m sure it was a bit more complicated than that, but it never stuck with me. I looked for myself (I did!)–vehemently for a time–but the only thing I ever found was that it was difficult to pay attention.

You see, there was a world on the outside of the self. I could feel its inertia skimming my toes, pulling beneath my sedentary feet.

I wanted to move with it, but I just couldn’t if I stared in to a mirror, or, worse, stared too extensively, too deeply, too inwardly.

I started doubting whether one could ever truly find him or herself. Weren’t we moving targets after all?

I don’t know. It was the spiritual panacea of the age, and maybe I dropped the ball.